The GAA has produced a Club Education site which can be accessed here and is regularly updated with the latest updates, e-learnings and webinars for all members of our community.
Latest Update - June 28th
Our gates opened on Wednesday, June 24th, and our adults have been out training. From Saturday 27th June our minors and juveniles can train at our facilities. Please keep mind the following;
1. The indoor buildings remain closed.
2. Please use the outdoor set of toilets
3. Only outdoor facilities can be used
4. Only people that are training are allowed on the pitch.
5. Please remember the 3 C's - Avoid Crowds, Avoid Closed Spaces, Avoid Close Contact
Thanks very much for your diligence and patience through this pandemic and tomorrow marks another milestone in our return. Stay safe. An Bhoth Abu!
The following changes to the return to activity guidelines are being made after recommendations made by the Covid-19 Advisory Committee. These changes were subsequently endorsed by the GAA, the Camogie Association and the LGFA.
This week:
Coaching numbers for underage teams to be consistent with Code of Behaviour. Recommendations were made by the Covid-19 Advisory Committee this morning.
From June 29th:
The Advisory Committee is considering the position in relation to other GAA buildings (such as Club bars that are serving food, Gyms, Handball alleys etc). Guidance will be provided in this context before June 29th.New ParagraphNew ParagraphThe GAA has produced a Club Education Webinar which can be accessed Paragraph
Pick the result of each game of the Allianz Football League for a chance to Win €1000, plus a weekly prize of €100 for score of the week. Prizes = 1st €1000, 2nd €500, 3rd, €300.
Tied scores will split the prize money. Cost of Entry is €50. This year, after round 3 we are allowing players to resubmit a pridictions for the remaining rounds 4 to 7. This can be done easily online at this page and a reminder will be sent to you for it.