An Bhoth GAA Club Notes. 31/01/2023 Allianz Division 1 National Football League Roinn 1 Result: Monaghan 1-12 Armagh 1-14
Monaghan commenced their 2023 National League campaign on Saturday evening last in Castleblayney. The Farney men put in a fine effort and performance but unfortunately were narrowly beaten by 2 points. Well done to all our Blues who played Rory Beggan, Shane Carey, and Conor McCarthy and with superb scores from Conor McCarthy (1-2 (goal from penalty and 1 point from free)), Rory Beggan (0-1 free), Shane Carey (1 point).
Allianz Division 1 National Football League Roinn 2
Monaghan are playing Kerry away in Fitzgerald Stadium, Killarney on Sunday 5th February at 1:30pm. All the best to our Blues on the County panel, Rory Beggan, Shane Carey, Darren Hughes, Kieran Hughes, Conor McCarthy, Michael McCarville, and Ryan O’Toole, and the rest of the Monaghan team, and the management.You can get your tickets in McMahons Centra Scotstown. The full Monaghan fixture and results list is as follows. Roinn 1: Monaghan 1-12 Armagh 1-14, Saturday January 28th, Castleblayney; Roinn 2: Kerry v Monaghan, Sunday 5th February, 1:30pm, Killarney; Roinn 3: Monaghan v Donegal, Sunday 19th February, 1:45pm, Clones; Roinn 4: Monaghan v Roscommon, Sunday 26th February, 2:30pm, Clones; Roinn 5: Galway v Monaghan, Sunday 5th March, Salthill, 12:45pm; Roinn 6: Monaghan v Tyrone, Sunday 19th March, 2:00pm, Clones; Roinn 7: Mayo v Monaghan, Sunday 26th March, 1:45pm, Castlebar.
National League Tickets
You can purchase your tickets for the Round 2 Monaghan v Kerry National League game in Killarney this Sunday 5th February in McMahan’s Centra Scotstown shop through the Ticketmaster system.
The Big Prediction Quiz has commenced- €2,400 in Prizes
We are having the popular Prediction Competition Quiz from previous years for this year’s National Football League games which commenced last weekend.
First overall prize is €1,000, plus a weekly prize of €100 for score of the week.
Prizes = 1st €1,000, 2nd €500, 3rd, €200. Tied scores will split the prize money
Many thanks to everyone involved in the successful organising of this quiz and to the all the participants. We wish you all the best and lots of fun! Please note this Competition is now closed and the leaderboard will be published shortly and updated every week.
Cairde na Botha – 3rd Cash Prize draw 19th February and 2nd Year Registration due
Thanks to everyone involved in the Cairde na Botha registration, information and donation night in the Scotstown GAA Social Club in the Complex recently. For those who subscribed last year and are on the 4 year subscription plan, the 2nd year subscription is due. Please use this convenient opportunity to subscribe for year 2, and also for new members to subscribe to Cairde Na Botha. Also to be entered in our 3rd Cash prize draw it is essential you are a paid up member. The 3rd Cash prize draw is happening on Sunday 19th February. 10 x €250 worth of cash prizes to be won!! New members are more than welcome to sign up to Cairde. Thanks!
Scotstown Cairde Na Botha wish to thank all those who have supported this historical fundraising project so far. We thank you for your continued support. Anyone wishing to join in this initiative and be part of it, please contact any of our Cairde na Botha committee members; Shane Stirrat; Austin Corrigan; Aine McKenna; Michael Owen McMahon; Aidan McCarra; Stephen McKenna; Cyril Mc Crudden.
The aim of Cairde Na Botha is to improve and develop our Kilmore training facilities to help achieve our vision of continuously improving our success on-field for our teams and off-field for our community. Cairde Na Botha is one of the biggest projects ever undertaken by our club. Be part of it! Scotstown GAA’s success has always been built on the considerable support we receive from home and abroad. We fondly remember fundraising projects in the past, such as the Scotstown Carnival in the 1960s to the purchase of our main field at Urbleshanny,
The Lord Mayor Campaign in the 1980s to fund the building of Sportlann Mhuire (the complex) and development of St. Marys Park and indeed, the ambitious purchase Of Kilmore in 1995 which has contributed to the outstanding success we achieve today.
Cairde na Botha is your opportunity to help your club continue this successful development for this generation and the next into the future. Fully paid up Members of Cairde Na Botha will have the benefit of their name engraved on the supporters’ wall at the Kilmore training grounds.
Please read our brochure via the link attached where you can support the initiative online.
We welcome all Scotstown GAA supporters at home and abroad to join in this progressive and exciting initiative!!
Be part of it! Thank you!
Scotstown GAA Online Club Lotto – Jackpot €4,300!!
Thanks to everyone involved in our online lotto draw for a €4,200 jackpot on Wednesday 1st February. Please see our Social Media platforms for more details of the results.
In the January 25th draw there was no Jackpot winner this week. Numbers drawn on the night were 4, 24, 29, 31. We had 1 Match 3 winner who wins € 100 - Laura Creighan.
We also had 3 Lucky Dip winners this week of € 20 each. They were Paul Rooney, Derek Treanor and Aidan Mc Cormack. Congratulations to all our winners!
The Scotstown GAA online Lotto Draw takes place every Wednesday at 8:30pm with last entries at 8pm. The draw is conducted on-line and is fully automated using secure facilities. There are 4 numbers to choose from a range of 1 to 31. Match the 4 numbers to win the Jackpot of €4,300. If no jackpot winner €100 is rolled over to the following week. Also if there is no jackpot winner there will be lucky dips. Next draw is February 8th at 8:30pm.
Ciste Draw
Congratulations to Killian & Saoirse Rose McKenna, Annahagh our €1,000 January Ciste Winner! Also congratulations to our 5 x €100 winners; Tomas Stevely, Katie & Sarah O'Donnell, Eileen Keenan, Evan Murray & Martin Mullen. Sellers prize Damian Mohan & Niall McKenna. You can purchase your February Ciste tickets in our local shops. There are tickets, envelopes and collection boxes in each of these shops; McMahon Centra, Scotstown; McAloons Knockatallon; XL Ballinode & Killylough. You can also purchase your Ciste tickets using the Scotstown Clubforce website and clicking on ‘buy event tickets’ link. First prize €1,000 and 5 prizes of €100 must be won. In total €18,000 in prize money is won every year!
Scotstown Ladies Challenge game in Manchester
A massive thank you to Abbie McCarey for organising a challenge game with Oisins GFC in Manchester. Several of our senior ladies and management travelled to Manchester last weekend for the game, well done to you all! Thanks to the Oisins club and Scotstown’s Hannah Donnelly (Long) for their hospitality a great weekend was had by all.
Scotstown GAA Table Quiz
There will be an adults Fun table quiz in the Scotstown GAA Social Club on Saturday 25th February at 8:30pm. A fun night of general knowledge, music and picture rounds. Lots of spot prizes and only €10 per person (€40 for table of 4).
Membership 2023 – 10% Discount off all memberships if paid before 31st March
Membership 2023 – 10% Discount off all memberships if paid before 31st March
We are giving a 10% reduction in fees to all members. The code is applied at checkout on our Clubforce app.
A parent must register with anyone under the age of 18, therefore you will be required to include an "Adult non-playing" to the basket.
If children are registered without parent being added or if at least 1 Parent/Guardian (GDPR contact) isn't included with a juvenile registration, then we will issue a refund and ask you to register again. Please arrange your membership on our Clubforce Platform and apply discount code at checkout, address
Please note players must be registered before they start training.
Club Shop
The Club Shop is next open on Friday 17th February from 7pm to 8pm.
Social Club open
The Social Club is open this Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 9pm. Bar Rota: Stephen McKenna and Pauric Connolly.
Interested in coaching?
Anyone who would like to join our underage coaching/management teams for boys/girls in 2023 should contact Páraic Duffy. Potential administrators or coaches will be most welcome.
RTE Operation Transformation 2023 – Ireland Lights Up Walk
We have registered with the Transformation 2023 initiative again this year. It commenced last Wednesday 11th January from 7pm. There was also a health check again with blood pressure checks, well done and many thanks to everyone involved. The walks will take place every Wednesday night from 7pm until the end of February.
Feel free to join in at any stage during that time. This initiative involves Scotstown GAA Health and Well-being joining up with Ireland Lights Up 2023 in partnership with RTE Operation Transformation and encourages everyone young and old, especially families / household bubbles, to get Ireland safely walking. We host this initiative at the Kilmore walking track at evening times, every Wednesday.
Also family walk on Saturday morning this Saturday 4th February at 10:00 all welcome.
Health and Wellbeing – Nutritional Talks
As part of our healthy club initiative we are having a nutritional talk for U14 to U16 girls and U13 to U15 boys and their parents at the end of February.
Scór agus Cultúr
Tá an Ciorcal sa Spórtlann gach Oíche Máirt ag a 8 a chlog! Buail isteach don craic is comhrá!
Scór na nÓg details. Deadline for entries for Acornlifemonaghan Scór na nÓg will be Friday 17th February 2023. Anyone interested in taking part in Rince Céile (Céilí dancing), Rince Seit (Set dancing), Ceol uirlise (instrumental music), Aithriseoireacht (recitation), Amhránaíocht aonair (Solo singing), Bailéad-ghrúpa (Ballad group), Nuachleas (Novelty act) or Tráth na gCeist (Quiz) should contact their club cultural officer immediately. Times and Venues will be confirmed closer to the date. Secondary school students who are u17 as of the 1st January 2023 are welcome to take part.
Scaipigí an scéal!